My Aunt Barbara passed away on Saturday.She was my Mom's older sister.I have great memories of her.She was very different from my Moma,she didn't make sure you had your shoes on, hair brushed, etc.....I'm sure that was because she had 7 kids as we say in the south "she had door steps"Also I was younger than all of her kids so let's just say she spoiled me. I always remember her doing things with my Mom,you know how sisters are let's dye each other's hair......Let's go to yard sales on Saturday.........Can you keep my kids(my Mom was in trouble she didn't have as many).........My Aunt Barbara was very kind, She didn't have much,but she would give what she had if she thought you needed it. She also was the queen of Yard Sales......she could find something for some body's collection.I don't remember her buying for herself.
My Aunt Gayle is the older sister of my Mom and Aunt about a all family get together,they would talk for hours.Growing up I thought it was so me and my cousins could clean the kitchen .Now I know it was a special time for them.
My Aunt has been sick for sometime now,so I believe she is in a better place.Please keep my family in your prayers,family will be traveling from NC,La,Ms and Ohio to Florida.
4 hours ago