Saturday, January 30, 2010

My New Sewing Room

This is the walls painted lime green and the concrete floors. The floors stained...not happy with my results. May add laminate flooring later.
Ironing area...fabric on the ironing board is the new cover. Gotta get that done.

Another view of cutting, sewing, and long arm.

Another wall needs the fabric attached. Ive got white flannel for that.I believe it is on the cutting

View from door that goes into garage.

The babies bed and tv.

All my books.

The babies enjoying their bed.

I thought I would post pictures of my new sewing room. My Mom came and helped me get everything in the room. We worked on it a week.I've got to much stuff. I still need to do so much in the room. I'm not sure where everything needs to go. That will be a work in process. I will post more pictures as I get it done. Please forgive me for posting pictures of a messy room. I have gotten burned out working on this room. I'm ready to finish this...I want to sew!!!!


Three Birds Inspired said...

Great space!!


How very lucky you!!! Love your new studio! How do you like your tin lizzy? I have tried one out and I was very impressed with the ease it was to work with! Very nice for the money. I have an APQS Millenium.

Heather said...

Your room is wonderful!

Anita said...

I love your new sewing room! What a nice place to spend the day sewing.

noodleBubble said...

Hi - am giggling at your comment messy room - Believe me that's NO MESS- I've just posted pics of my workspace to shame myself to tidy -
Pop by and have a peek if have a mo!

Barb said...

I love love love your studio!!

Kerri said...

that looks fantastic and like a place where a lot of productivity will happen! good for you!